Posts tagged Nail
Mademoiselle by Essie - The Multitasking nail polish

For the most versatile manicure, Mademoiselle by Essie is the perfect shade to use as it flatters all skin tones and lends itself to an endless games of layering. Backstage, in fact, it is used either alone, for a bare classic and timeless look, or layered on other nuances to make them stand out.

Per una manicure versatile Mademoiselle di Essie è la tonalità perfetta in quanto dona a tutte le carnagioni e si presta ad infiniti giochi di layering. Nei backstage, infatti, viene usata sia da sola, per un nude classico e intramontabile, sia sovrapposta ad altre nuance, per risaltarle e giocare con esse.

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Backstage Beauty Secrets

Volete essere perfette 24/7 senza spendere ore davanti allo specchio? Un un modo c’è, basta prendere ispirazione dai backstage delle sfilate. Dietro le quinte, infatti, i makeup artists e gli hairstylists più in voga danno vita ai look che faranno tendenza in tempi talmente brevi da apparire assurdi; e il tutto grazie a dei prodotti beauty che svelano a malavoglia e a dei trick che vi svelo io. Continuate a leggere se volete portarvi l’expertise dei backstage a casa!

Do you want to be effortlessly perfect 24/7? Well, check this section out. In this space I’ll explain you what happens backstage during the Fashion Weeks because, as many of you may know, nothing puts a beauty product through its paces like this non-stop month. With so many models to get runway-ready in a very short time, most makeup artists, hairstylists and manicurists turn to the same star products over and over again, giving us the certainty that these are the ones to keep an eye on: tested and reliable these hair, nail, and makeup staples are the best performers, ever. Furthermore, during fashion week the pros unveil - knowingly or inadvertently - their secret moves to those of us who are lucky enough to be there with them. 

So keep up with me to know how to be effortlessly perfect all the year around.

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